Gift 6 - Caps, Columns & Bricks

Froebel USA

Regular price $44.95

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Gift 6 continues the division of the 3-inch cube introduced in Froebel's Gift 5. The 3-inch cube is now divided into 18 oblong brick-like blocks, plus 12 flat, square blocks ("caps"), and 6 narrow columns.
As Gift 4 introduced new proportions to Gift 3's cubes, so does Gift 6 introduce new block proportions, a return to concepts of size and modularity.

The arrival of the classic construction components of the cap and the column brings a real architectural feel to this Gift. In fact, Frank Lloyd Wright's Larkin Building can be represented by using the contents of Gift 6.

Because Gift 6 is part of larger group of materials it does not come with written instructions when sold separately like this. Instructions for Gifts 1-6 can be found here. The small column pieces may pose a choking hazard for very young children. Made in USA. WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD -- Small parts. Not for children under 3 yrs.